Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I want to say a HUGE thank you to everyone for your support yesterday. When I made the decision to talk about "my journey", I knew it would be tough, emotional, but rewarding.

That's definitely the case!

Here are some emails that I received yesterday...keep em coming as we keep shrinking!

Hi Meg,

I just moved to Calgary and I listen to you every morning with my 2yr old. I'm at work now and I this morning was crying in the car. I have a weight problem and girl...I'm GOING to call Herbal Magic and go through this with you! I hope I'll be able to achieve my goals.

Thank you for sharing this on the radio. Thank you. Carla


Hey Guys,

I travel to and from Cochrane everyday and SWITCHED to you guys (from your ummmm..competition).....specifically due to the morning show!! Meg, congratulations on taking the step to living the life YOU want. I can relate. I now try and eat healthier. I love the sweets but everything is in moderation. So give it your all, you have support from many o' people!! Stay positive....not just with this but with life my friend.....we all do way better in life when we are happy!! Last thing....I have adopted this quote for my life and it could fit with yours or anyone's...... "BE COURAGEOUS. IT IS ONE OF THE ONLY PLACES LEFT UNCROWDED"




Hi Meg,

I just heard about your journey and finished reading your blog...and as I wipe away the tears I am inspired by you!! I to, have had many "a ha" moments , yet have not done anything.....till now. You truly have inspired me and the way you were speaking on the air and being soo honest was wonderful to hear .

Thank you and good luck...I know you can do it!!!

You are a beautiful person!! Di

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