Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Well, it's now been 15 weeks since I started this "journey" with Herbal Magic. I'm going to be honest. It's NOT always easy.

I could sit and tell you week in week out -"oooh I lost 10, I lost 20" - but there's SO much more to it. SO much more than just a number on the scale. I promised myself if I was going to do this on the air - publicly, that I would share the whole journey.

Well, here goes...

Has the number gone down? YES. Almost 30lbs already, which to all involved, is right on track. Has it been tough though? YES. Not every day, but the last week, SUPER TOUGH. I'm experiencing cravings like you wouldn't believe, I'm feeling tired of being "perfect", and I find that I'm trying to find reasons to "allow myself" the old, bad food that got me here in the first place.

Here's what I know though. I cannot TELL YOU how much the girls at Herbal Magic are helping me. They will NOT let me fail, they will NOT let me get discouraged...EVER.

How? Because we are ALL the same. We're human. We're doing this together. Maybe their goals are to lose less than me, but a goal is a goal, nonetheless. We talk. We hug. We cry...(ok maybe I cry). We share stories about how I am not alone, this is normal, cravings happen and LIFE GOES ON.

Did I give in? Yes. Once.
Did I feel terrible for doing so?

But did I get up the next day and move forward? YES. With a run. And lots of water. And a calm head knowing that even though I may have faltered, the NEW ME is able to recognize it for what it was, and move on. A new day, a new number on the scale, EYE on the finish line.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


As you may know, I started Herbal Magic Weight Loss on February 10th. It's now been 3 months and I am down PRETTY much 30lbs. 30 lbs, that's 10 lbs a month - I am RIGHT ON TRACK to reaching my goal in September- cannot even TELL YOU how happy I am!

Wanna know something else? I had to buy transition pants last week! K - for anyone who has lost weight before, you know what transition pants are. Your old pants are too big, but NO WAY will you spend cash on really good ones...NOT YET...smaller jeans, more energy and consistent drops on the scale - I swear Christina and I can't even keep up with how well the weight is coming off.

Look. If you've been in my spot and you want to join me on MY journey, please, call Herbal Magic today- the girls are AMAZING!!! (403 214 SLIM).

I AM DOWN 29.6 lbs!!!!!!!!!

Friday, May 1, 2009