Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Holy Holidays!

Wow. It's hard to believe Christmas has come and gone, and that I manage to live through it without any consequences.

This Super Long Holiday Weekend helped me to realize that I can go through all the turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy and pumpkin pie without gaining 10 lbs! Not only did I not gain even an ounce, I managed to lose 2 lbs!

As of yesterday I've managed to lose 70 lbs! Wow, 70 lbs! Do you know what 70 pounds looks like?!

I found some pictures on line from another blogger reflecting what 70 lbs looks like. Take a look.

This Polar Bear Cub weighs approximately 70 lbs

You kids out there getting ready to go back to college . . . Ya gotta have a fridge! This one's pretty small, only 70 pounds. Should fit in your room without a problem.

How 'bout this helium tank? Yeah, that's also 70 pounds.

And well, this ain't no secret, everyone knows I'm a dog lover, let's use that as an example:

This pretty awesome Bulldog is also 70 lbs; sorry Mr. Puppy, you are adorable just the way you are.

It's hard to believe that I started at 339.4 lbs. I was trying to look for something or someone that weighed 340 lbs and I found out that Shaq weighed 340 lbs back in 2007. In that case I guess It's ok to weigh that much, but I'm not 7' 1" (I'm actually 6'0") and also not a professional basketball player (I love basketball but God knows I ain't playing it for a living).

I now know that I'm ready for New Year's - that long weekend is going to be a breeze.

Just 50 lbs shy of my goal, the ladies at Herbal Magic gave me great news yesterday: as of right now, I should be at my weight loss goal (119.4) by Mid May... So, come Stampede, I will be a whole different Cowboy. So, Saddle up, We are going for a Road Trip!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Merry Christmas, I’ll see you later...

Oh man, you’ve got to love this time of year, this is the time of year where you get to see all of your family and friends and where you even get some gifts. And who can forget about the food? I remember myself last year, I was at my grandma’s house with my family sneaking in and out of the kitchen trying to get a “pre-Christmas” sample of everything that my grandma was preparing for supper. The turkey, the ham, the mashed potatoes, the gravy, and the world famous grandma turkey stuffing (world famous might be a stretch, but trust me when I say that it’s pretty darn awesome).

I was really nervous about going home this year, I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to stick to my new Herbal Magic health plan while I was there. As it stands, the wife and I had to make different plans this holiday season, and since it’s only the two of us, we are not making a whole turkey or a big piece of ham. Instead, this holiday season we’ve had to say “see you later” to all the amazing food that we normally enjoy in December. Yes, “see you later” because next year when I turn to the new ME, the Carlos sitting at 220 lbs I’ll be able to open the door and welcome back all the amazing food I’ve been missing for the last couple of months.

Today is December 22nd 2009, and I’ve lost a whopping 65 lbs in just over 3 months! I have to say that I feel great with the new me. Before I started Herbal, I used to love this time of year. Everyone would be bundled up in layers – so really, we kinda all looked the same for a few months. I wasn’t the only “big” one – never really realizing that I was only kidding myself. I was out of control and I was the only one that was able to do something about it.

This is why, turkey, stuffing, gravy, ham, pumpkin pie, spinach dip, Coca-Cola...I’ll see you later. This is not a good bye. But, when the right time comes, I’ll see you again with moderation and control.

Monday, December 14, 2009

I have a secret - Goodwill Carlos -

I don't really know how to start talking about this. I guess it all started by taking a look at Meg's Improvement. How she was excited to be on the right path to living a healthy life. You might actually say she was my inspiration.

Meg tried to convince me to join Herbal Magic shortly after she started her Journey. I went for a consult with the lovely ladies at Herbal Magic and I still was unsure if this kind of program was for me. I wasn't entirely sure I was going to be able to make it work, both financially and emotionally. Back then I was weighing a not so bad, not so good either, 310 lbs.

Meg tried again to convince me to Join Herbal Magic, and I decided to give it a 2nd chance, this time I had to get the advice from my Wife, let’s call her Mrs Goodwill, we both went back to Herbal Magic, started to look at the pro's and con's of making an effort of living a healthy life. Then we had to put the numbers together, and then we realized, living a better healthy life has no price.

I officially started my... let’s call it a Road trip, on Friday September 18, 2009. Only 5 months after my first consultation I was weighing 339.4 lbs, those are Biggest Loser Numbers!!! (Great show to watch but that is topic of another post). In 5 months I added 29.4 lbs to myself. I was on a path to self destruction.

I decided to give it a try for a while, and after the first weekend of giving it a go, I lost 10.6 lbs. Yes, I manage to lose 10.6 lbs by day 3 of Herbal Magic. That's insane!!!

So, officially, I've been doing Herbal Magic for just shy of 3 months, and today, Monday December 14, 2009 I went in for a consultation, and I had to get on the scale like any other day.

Today, I saw numbers on the scale that I haven't seen in a loooong time. 276.8... I've lost 62.6 lbs in less than 3 months! According to Wiki Answers I've lost the equivalent of an average to large size dog!

This road trip hasn't been easy, it really hasn't, like any other road trip we’ll hit bumps here and there, we might even get a flat tire, but we will eventually get there.

Together, we will get to our destination.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Thank you SO much to everyone who called and emailed me yesterday.
It has been QUITE the journey to say the least, but one I wouldn't trade for the world.

Thank you to SO many people - man this has been a TEAM EFFORT!!

If YOU want to start your journey, PLEASE EMAIL ME, I WILL HELP YOU!!


Monday, November 2, 2009




It really is truly unbelievable how the last 8 months have unfolded.

Thank you SO much to everyone for helping me with my "journey". It's not finished yet, but WOW...the girl above is NO LONGER! I am SO excited to live a happier, healthier life...


If you are considering losing weight, or changing YOUR life, please email me, I can help you. The proof is LOUD AND CLEAR!

Friday, October 23, 2009


1 package of cranberries
1 mandarin – peel and all
15 almonds
1 tsp of Splenda brown sugar
sprinkle of nutmeg

WHIZ in the food processor!

THAT IS ALL! SUPER FRUIT!! (kind of like a chutney - Thanks Ian)

SO SO SO GOOD - put in yogurt, with chicken, on sandwiches!
I HAVE LOST 59.8 lbs!!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

BAKED PUMPKIN PUDDING (basically Pumpkin Pie without the crust)



Pumpkin Filling:

2 cups pumpkin puree
1 cup skim milk
2 eggs
5 tsp Splenda Brown Sugar
1 tsp cinnamon
½ tsp ginger
½ tsp nutmeg
½ tsp pumpkin pie spice

Mix well and pour into pie plate. Bake for 45 minutes or until set. Serve warm or cold, top with berries or crumbled graham crackers. Makes 4 servings (massive) – counts as 1 Vegetable, ¼ dairy, ¼ protein! (if you add graham crackers or berries, add FRUIT and STARCH).


Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Hmmmm. Turkey, stuffing, gravy and pie.

Herbal Magic. How does this fit?


I am NOT worried in the least, I will be going to my friend Bev's house and will concentrate on MY FRIENDS AND FAMILY, not the food.

I might take my own grilled chicken, because I am NOT eating salt, and let's face it that's where a LOT of hidden sodium appears.

I will ALSO take a dessert for EVERYONE. Baked fruit crumble with Splenda Brown Sugar - and this UNREAL Baked Pumpkin Pudding (HERBAL MAGIC RECIPE TO FOLLOW!)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

September 23, 2009

Hello everyone, my name is Jenn and I was also inspired by Meg to join Herbal Magic. I did not know what to expect and I have to be honest and say that I was filled with skepticism, uncertainty and fear but I did join the program on September 14.

My story is not unlike many others, even though when you are “in the middle of it”, you feel like you are the only one feeling and looking the way you do.

I have spent most of my life ashamed of how I look. Always looking for people to assure me that I looked “okay”, but yet feeling fat and out of place. I tend to shy away from getting pictures taken and of those that are; I end up destroying most because I just can't seem to like any of them. I don't buy clothes because the experience is altogether frustrating and heart-wrenching.
I think that we have all been at the point where we completely breakdown…..well, I have been there many times. Analyzing everything I would eat and then just really not eating at all. I suppose the concept was a good one in my mind but not so much for the losing weight part. Constantly I would find myself frustrated and angry, to the point of tears. I have not worn a bathing suit or sat in a hot tub since I was 13yrs old (I am 37). I have never taken my kids swimming because I can't bear what my body looks like. Complete lack of self-esteem and feeling valuable has prevented me from experiencing so much. I know in my heart that if I were my "dream size" that I would feel happier and prettier but I also know that happiness should never be based on your looks. Famous tug-o-war of emotions vs. common sense.

“The skies opened up” for me one morning while listening to Meg tell of her journey and success with Herbal Magic. It was the one moment in the last 20+ years that I felt courageous enough to do something to change my life. I needed to just close my eyes and have faith that this could change… life could change.
As of today, I have been with the program for 1 week and I am proud to say that I am down 7.5lbs.

If you are wondering if this can work for you, don’t wonder any more. Take the courageous step to just go in and talk to someone because I know it could be worth it for you too. We all need a helping hand and the ladies at Herbal Magic and there to give it to you.

Jenn C

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


I cannot believe it. I went to Chinook Center and INTO French Connection. GORGEOUS store, but one I've never shopped at.

Once inside, I began trying on things I would normally NEVER pick up.


THEY FIT!!!!!!!!!!!!

This journey is unreal.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Hey Everyone I’m Brianna and I started Herbal Magic the middle of May 2009. Like everyone, I have had that moment where I realized enough was enough and it was time to finally take control of my life and my weight. I listened to Meg on the radio about Herbal Magic for a few weeks and was so inspired by her stories and knew that I could do the same.

I joined Herbal Magic and to be honest, it hasn’t always been easy! You have some great weeks and some weeks where you want to give up and go back to your old ways. What the girls at Herbal Magic always tell me is though that I didn’t put the weight on in 2 months so its not all going to come off that fast either!

Slow and steady wins the race. They are SO amazing there and the support they give you will get you through those bad days and they will get you to your goal!

The other thing that keeps me going on this journey is the wonderful friends that I have met through Meg and our Sisterhood of the Evershrinking Pants group!! To know that other people have the same struggles that I do just make me realize even more that I can get through this and reach my goal. I am over halfway there and cannot believe how far I have come!

If you are thinking about weight loss and are stuck, please consider Herbal Magic. We are all there to support you in your journey and know that you can do it!!

Brianna J

Thursday, September 3, 2009



I'm Bonnie, and my Journey with Herbal Magic was also inspired by Meg, and began June 9/ 2009.

I have battled my weight ALL my life. Even when I was younger and very active in sports such as softball and figure skating, my weight was always an issue.

For MOMENT that has brought me to where i am now:~the embarrassment of not being able to buckle the seatbelt on the plane and having to ask in front of other passengers for an extension. I would always want to be first in line so i could ask before other people got on the plane. I knew then that I HAD to do something!!!

My health was also a big concern, I learned a few years back i was diabetic, my sugars were outragous. The path I was on....I was slowly killing myself.

At that time I had contemplated another weight loss program, and was very close to joining. The only problem with that was...I had already tried it before and FAILED! No one wants to fail. So I just kept putting it off. Hearing Meg on the radio, speaking of Herbal Magic and knowing she was a real person and it was REALLY working, was truly inspiring. I tuned in every Tuesday, to hear Meg and her story. I laughed with her, I cried with her, I related with her. I decided that day in my truck that I was going to email Meg and tell her how inspiring she was, and that I was now going to join, after hearing her story.

Meg, with her open arms and HUGE heart emailed me back withen minutes, and before I knew it she had Christina on the phone with me.


The girls at Herbal Magic are WONDERFUL!!! SUPPORTIVE!!! UNDERSTANDING!!!

They are there for me! They want me to succeed! The friends I have made now too, after starting this I will have for life! They are also behind me 100 % even when I myself can't see the light! They are there to listen, laugh and cry with me! And most of all, give me the motivation to keep going...when I have had a bad day!

I am happy to share that after my first 3 months on the program, I took a flight, and I did up the seatbelt....WITH ROOM TO SPARE!!!!!!!!!

I have also gotten my blood sugars under control. This journey isnt always going to be easy, and I know this, but moments like that are what will keep me going!

:) ~Bonnie~

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal, It is the COURAGE to continue that COUNTS"
~Winston Churchill~

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Hi, I'm Cat and I started Herbal Magic on April 17th, 2009. I, like most people, had THAT moment when my weight was literally shoved RIGHT in my face. I was buying a wedding dress and when the sales person took my measurements and told me the size of dress we had to order I almost fainted. I cried all the way home. That was a Saturday. A moment in my life I certainly won't forget.

That Tuesday I heard Meg on the radio in what was her first Herbal Magic update. I cried. She was EXACTLY where I had been just that Saturday. So I bit the bullet and went into the Herbal Magic in Okotoks. Man was I scared. As a single mom, with an upcoming wedding how was I ever going to be able to afford this?

As I sat in the office listening to myself it dawned on me, How can I afford NOT to do this? The amount of money I was wasting on junk food, clothes of fluctuating sizes, not to mention I was about to be married and have wedding pictures done. Pictures that were going to be put up on the wall of my new house. Pictures that represented my new life. Did I want to look at pictures for the rest of my life being the size I was? Like I said how could I afford not to do it?

So here I am almost 5 months later and 2 weeks away from my wedding and am 2.6 pounds away from my goal. I am happy to report that when my dress came in it had to be altered 3 sizes!! I still can't believe it!

I've now moved to the second phase of the program and am still losing. Was it easy? Not always, but the staff at Herbal and the friends I have made through the program have been amazing. When I have a bad day and have a meltdown all of the ladies talk me down. They support me when I'm up and cheer for me when I'm down.

If you're thinking of doing Herbal, just do it. Whether you have 25 pounds to lose or 100 pounds to lose don't be afraid. It will change your life for the better. I'm looking forward to starting my new life, much healthier, much stronger and 3 sizes smaller than I was 5 months ago!

Don't be afraid, just do it.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


My journey with Meg and Herbal Magic started June 2009.
Like many other people I have tried many different programs and for whatever reason did not stick with it.

I listened to Meg daily and cried daily, she was soo inspiring, and "REAL".
She finally made me see that enough is enough
We began emailing and she hooked me up with Christina.

It has been a wonderful journey and I looked forward to final destination!!

Meg has been sooooo amazing on this journey....she REALLY is with me EVERY step of the way, encouragining, helpful, a shoulder to cry on and sooo much more.

The girls at Herbal are also wonderful. When I do have a bad day and am upset about it or want to quit, Christina always reminds me where I would be if I was not on Herbal. She is soo correct!!

I encourage anyone who wants to lose weight to try this. You eat your own food, you get to try fun, exciting new recipes and it is soo rewarding.

I am not saying it's a piece of cake (pardon the pun), there are struggles, good days and bad, but the reward is soo worth it!!

I have realized finally that I am not in a marathon and that I did not gain the weight in two months and so I won't be able to lose it in two months. I have decided to take it slowly, FINALLY do it properly, be healthy and happy!!


Hi I am Jenny, I started Herbal in June, and I was already doing a weight loss program that had worked ok for me in the past, and then I started listening to Meg on the radio, and decided to email her.

I was getting frustrated with losing at such a slow rate. I was having a really bad day one day, and Meg and I were emailing, and then she called me and left a great message on my phone. She referred me to Christina at Herbal.

I went in, and joined that day, and it's been great ever since.

Don't get me wrong it's not easy every day, but overall it’s a great process and the friends that I have supporting me that I have met through Herbal are frickin AMAZING!

I have been on many weight loss programs and I have never gotten to my goal or even saw it in the future…

Well with herbal I will be at my goal no question Jan 6th, and I can feel that I will get there for the first time in my life!!

I will be sharing the stories from "my girls" - since starting Herbal, I've had the pleasure of meeting some AMAZING new friends. We've named ourselves (ok, Ian named us)...


Their stories are coming!

6 months ago, Feb 10th actually, I was pretty miserable. Nothing fit, my back hurt. I didn’t sleep very well, I was always stressed and I never moved. Well, unless you count from the couch to the kitchen and back. Seriously, I was in complete denial. I was scared. Then I went to Herbal Magic Weight Loss, told Christina that I was terrified – then it all changed.

I quickly realized that once you stop being scared, it’s ok to ask for help. I still cook, I eat AMAZING things - *yes, you can still have peanut butter, you can have ice cream…and before I knew it…6 months had passed and I had lost 50lbs. 50. Everything is different. I sleep, I run, everything fits and I’m SO happy.

So...if you are scared, I TOTALLY GET IT -- but do me a favor RIGHT NOW.

Go get a calendar. Flip ahead 6 months - that will take you to February. Know what that means? You could lose 50lbs between NOW AND FEBRUARY!!!! COME ON, that is RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER!!

Don't wait - book a consultation with the girls - let them SHOW you how easy this really is. I can help you too!


Friday, August 28, 2009

63 INCHES!!!!!!!!

I started my journey with Herbal Magic Weight loss 6 months ago – February 10th actually. Every week, you hop on a scale and watch the pounds disappear. Did you also know that they measure you HEAD to toe once a week?

Ready for this? I have lost 50lbs and 63 inches. 2 from my neck, almost 10 inches around my shoulders, 9 from my waist and almost 6 inches from each thigh- I could go on. GRAB a tape measure and look at that – it’s incredibly hard to believe, but it’s me – I did it…in 6 months.

If NOTHING fits you, you are TIRED of buying new clothes, bigger clothes, put down whatever you’re doing and CALL HERBAL MAGIC TODAY!!

63 INCHES!!!!!!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

I'VE LOST 50.2 LBS!!!

This morning I was given 50 roses for 50lbs.

who has helped with my "journey" thus far --
Here's to the next 11 lbs!!!!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


49.6 lbs!!!!!!!


FIFTY POUNDS!?!?!?!?!?!

I know, it takes me a minute to process that too. I cannot believe that I am almost at the end of my journey...well, the first part anyway. I've decided that WHEN I get to 60lbs, I will lose another 10. More on that later...

For now, it's still ONE day at a time! If YOU want to begin YOUR journey, I can help you, every STEP of the way!!

Thursday, August 20, 2009


I can't believe as I sit and type, it's almost the end of August. Rewind to February, when I began my journey with Herbal Magic, I couldn't imagine getting to September, MUCH LESS weighing almost 50lbs LESS!!

Well I did, and I cannot even PROCESS or PUT INTO WORDS how amazing it feels.

I cannot WAIT to finally, once and for all LIVE at my new weight.

No more aches.
No more sore lower back.
No more tears because I had "another bad day".
No more BIG jeans.
No more excuses.
No more - "I'll start tomorrow."


Tuesday, August 4, 2009

I am down almost 46lbs...OMG!!!!!!!

I have a month until my goal, will I make it?

I can't stress out, that's the WORST thing I can do.

All I can do is continue to plan, eat well, exercise and be POSITIVE!!


Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Not sure if you've ever heard me tell the story where I had 4 pairs of jeans - Silvers,Sevens, a pair of dark wash ones from The Bay and American Eagles. Well...let's just say I wore them ALL 3 years ago..then STOPPED when I ballooned out of control. Rewind to February 2009- first day of Herbal. I tried ALL 4 pairs on and NOTHING. I'll save you the details, but they all didn't fit in varying degrees of pain (my faves, the Sevens only went to my ANKLES.

MY ANKLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) How on EARTH did I go from wearing these EVERY STINKING day to NOT being able to go past my ankles. (insert tears).

Right there, I made a promise to myself- I will try them EACH on, on the first day of the month.

So -- March - ankles. April- above ankles. You get the point. Well - I could almost PASS OUT with what I am about to say.

I just tried ALL 4 pairs on..................and....................THEY ALL FIT!!!!!!!!!


Ok - so maybe not ALL 4 pairs would I wear out yet...but they are ALL ON, UP, AND ZIPPED TO THE TOP!!!!!! EVEN THE SEVENS!!!!!!!!!!!!

So...I pass this on to you. Please go right now, or when you get home and find pants that you cannot wear. Drag them onto your body, as far up as you can get them, and do this ONCE a month...until they are BACK on you. It's a feeling you will NEVER, EVER, EVER forget.

My total as of July 21st!

I AM DOWN ALMOST 44lbs!!!!!!!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Meg's Random Thoughts!

I think I've had a breakthrough. Mayo isn't the BEST part of my day anymore.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I am down almost 42lbs...working my way to 50!

Here's how: I have officially let Christina PLAN everything. Can I do it myself? Sure, but like anything, over time you settle back into ways of not exactly measuring everything, being a little more generous, and perhaps not always picking the BEST choices.

So - - we have decided that EVERY 2 days when I go to Herbal Magic, we sit and plan out what I will be eating, down to the letter. She plans it, I eat it. As LONG as I do that, I will lose.

MY ADVICE: If you want to lose, call Herbal. Seriously, it has changed my ENTIRE life!!! You can also email me, - - I would LOVE to tell you more!

Monday, July 6, 2009


I know it's tough. We ALL go to Stampede (if you live in Calgary).
We ALL want to munch on the yummy food...but I caution you.


Caramel Apple = 340 cals & 14 g of fat
Small Popcorn with butter = 630 cals & 50 g of fat
Fries (1 large) = 614 cals & 34 g of fat
Chili Fries (1 large) = 740 cals & 40 g of fat
Pepperoni Pizza (1 slice) = 549 cals & 27 g of fat
Fried Chicken Wing (1 wing) = 140 cals & 10 g of fat
Beef on a bun, 1 = 450 cals & 20 g of fat -- add nacho cheese = 700 cals & 37 g of fat
Mini Donuts = 1 package 1000 cals & 90 g of FAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AND MY FAVE...CORN DOG (1) = 460 cals & 20 g of fat


Thursday, July 2, 2009

AS OF JULY 2nd, I AM DOWN 39.4lbs!! Ok, let's just say that's 40!!!!!!

40 POUNDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (If it's now now, it will be by Saturday!)

I have lost the equivalent of a TODDLER. I know. INSANE.
It just hit me yesterday, OMG I have 8 weeks until my goal.
Can I do it?
Will it slow down?

YES, NO and YES. I am VERY excited, still a bit scared, but I know that I will get there, NO PROBLEM. September 7th here I come!!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

UPDATE...or should it be a DOWN-DATE??


I AM DOWN 37 lbs!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009



I AM DOWN 32.6 lbs!!!!!!!!!

I have to say the last few weeks have been bumpy. I had the "slip" which although didn't affect me too much on the scale, affected my mental state. When something like that happens, it shakes your confidence. You go in and you're the same. You go in and you're slightly up. You go in again and you're back at the same. Three days of that and I had myself asking..."WHEN IS THIS GOING TO GET BETTER!!"

But then I remembered something that I've been trying to live by each and every weigh-in.

As I step on the scale, "HAVE I DONE EVERYTHING I CAN". Was I? No, not for the last couple weeks.

Am I over the "hump" now? Yes. THANK GOD.


Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Well, it's now been 15 weeks since I started this "journey" with Herbal Magic. I'm going to be honest. It's NOT always easy.

I could sit and tell you week in week out -"oooh I lost 10, I lost 20" - but there's SO much more to it. SO much more than just a number on the scale. I promised myself if I was going to do this on the air - publicly, that I would share the whole journey.

Well, here goes...

Has the number gone down? YES. Almost 30lbs already, which to all involved, is right on track. Has it been tough though? YES. Not every day, but the last week, SUPER TOUGH. I'm experiencing cravings like you wouldn't believe, I'm feeling tired of being "perfect", and I find that I'm trying to find reasons to "allow myself" the old, bad food that got me here in the first place.

Here's what I know though. I cannot TELL YOU how much the girls at Herbal Magic are helping me. They will NOT let me fail, they will NOT let me get discouraged...EVER.

How? Because we are ALL the same. We're human. We're doing this together. Maybe their goals are to lose less than me, but a goal is a goal, nonetheless. We talk. We hug. We cry...(ok maybe I cry). We share stories about how I am not alone, this is normal, cravings happen and LIFE GOES ON.

Did I give in? Yes. Once.
Did I feel terrible for doing so?

But did I get up the next day and move forward? YES. With a run. And lots of water. And a calm head knowing that even though I may have faltered, the NEW ME is able to recognize it for what it was, and move on. A new day, a new number on the scale, EYE on the finish line.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


As you may know, I started Herbal Magic Weight Loss on February 10th. It's now been 3 months and I am down PRETTY much 30lbs. 30 lbs, that's 10 lbs a month - I am RIGHT ON TRACK to reaching my goal in September- cannot even TELL YOU how happy I am!

Wanna know something else? I had to buy transition pants last week! K - for anyone who has lost weight before, you know what transition pants are. Your old pants are too big, but NO WAY will you spend cash on really good ones...NOT YET...smaller jeans, more energy and consistent drops on the scale - I swear Christina and I can't even keep up with how well the weight is coming off.

Look. If you've been in my spot and you want to join me on MY journey, please, call Herbal Magic today- the girls are AMAZING!!! (403 214 SLIM).

I AM DOWN 29.6 lbs!!!!!!!!!

Friday, May 1, 2009


Tuesday, April 28, 2009


I AM DOWN 22 lbs!!!!!!!!!

I made this for Frank, Ian and Carlos, so I thought I'd post the recipe. SO EASY and SOOOO DELICIOUS!!


1 Chicken cutlet (basically butterflied chicken)- Maple Leaf Prime
1/2 oz Cheese - Sharp cheddar
Salsa (homemade)
1 tsp mayo
2 pieces of light bread (Safeway 60% stone thin bread)
1/2 sweet potato


Grill chicken (spritz with salad dressing, shake on Mrs Dash)and set aside. Cut sweet potato into sticks (a la fries, place on baking sheet (covered with tin foil for easy clean up), spray with Pam, shake on spices then bake at 350 for about 40 mins, turning at the halfway point.

Assemble sandwich- toast, chicken, salsa, chicken, 1/2 of the tsp of mayo, lettuce.

DIP for Sweet Potato Fries - 1/2 tsp mayo with 1 or 2 tsp of salsa.


Tuesday, April 14, 2009


I AM DOWN 18 lbs!!!!!!!!!

UNREAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Barbados here I come!!!
I WAS nervous, but I am ok now. I am IN control of things, I will make great choices and I will come back and be DOWN!!!

Can you tell I am excited? This is so good.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Well, this year will be a BIT different for me, I am going to say NO to the gravy and chocolate. I'm not worried about it being Easter though, because I have a PLAN.

I am going to my friend Bev's house on Sunday, but will be TAKING my own dinner.
Now don't get me wrong...I am NOT afraid of eating her food, I just thought about it and said to myself...I can either say NO and stay home, or GO, take my OWN food and concentrate on the COMPANY.

Here's my plan:

Big salad
Grilled chicken
Sweet potatoes

It REALLY doesn't vary much from her menu, but with Barbados coming up, I'd like to cook as much as I can before I go and I'm thinking if I sub grilled chicken for ham it will probably save on sodium.

SO. To that end, have a WONDERFUL and HEALTHY Easter weekend and if I could offer a tip, when you are thinking of having that second serving of pie...think of my grilled chicken, politely say no thank you and just concentrate on the company.


Monday, April 6, 2009


I AM DOWN 16 lbs!!!!!!!!!

That's a 10lb bag of potatoes
A 5lb bag of onions
And 1 lb of butter.


Friday, April 3, 2009


  • 1 pint of cherry tomatoes
  • 1 green onion
  • splash of red wine vinegar
  • splash of lime juice
  • Mrs Dash Table Seasoning (loaded with spices and salt free)
*One of the BEST investments I bought was the Cuisinart Mini Chopper ($49)...TOTALLY saves you from dragging out the blender or spending an hour chopping.


  • Throw the tomatoes in the chopper, pulse for 3-4 seconds max.
  • Pour into tupperware, add the onion, vinegar, lime juice and a shake of Mrs Dash

THAT'S IT! It'll last for up to a week, use on burgers, chicken, eggs...EVERYTHING!

PS- this has completely replaced ketchup and bottled salsa for me (which PS is LOADED with sodium).


It's Friday! Have a healthy weekend...Ian and I are going on our 5km trek and I plan to make more of my homemade salsa today. I'll be sure to take and post a pic!


Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I AM DOWN 14.2lbs!!!!!!!!!

That's a bag of potatoes *10lbs and ALMOST a 5lb bag of onions! Here's to next week!

I want to say a HUGE thank you to everyone for your support yesterday. When I made the decision to talk about "my journey", I knew it would be tough, emotional, but rewarding.

That's definitely the case!

Here are some emails that I received yesterday...keep em coming as we keep shrinking!

Hi Meg,

I just moved to Calgary and I listen to you every morning with my 2yr old. I'm at work now and I this morning was crying in the car. I have a weight problem and girl...I'm GOING to call Herbal Magic and go through this with you! I hope I'll be able to achieve my goals.

Thank you for sharing this on the radio. Thank you. Carla


Hey Guys,

I travel to and from Cochrane everyday and SWITCHED to you guys (from your ummmm..competition).....specifically due to the morning show!! Meg, congratulations on taking the step to living the life YOU want. I can relate. I now try and eat healthier. I love the sweets but everything is in moderation. So give it your all, you have support from many o' people!! Stay positive....not just with this but with life my friend.....we all do way better in life when we are happy!! Last thing....I have adopted this quote for my life and it could fit with yours or anyone's...... "BE COURAGEOUS. IT IS ONE OF THE ONLY PLACES LEFT UNCROWDED"




Hi Meg,

I just heard about your journey and finished reading your blog...and as I wipe away the tears I am inspired by you!! I to, have had many "a ha" moments , yet have not done anything.....till now. You truly have inspired me and the way you were speaking on the air and being soo honest was wonderful to hear .

Thank you and good luck...I know you can do it!!!

You are a beautiful person!! Di

Sunday, March 29, 2009

It's Sunday March 29.

I'm sitting at my computer wondering "how do I start this blog"?

Do I tell you that I've been now doing HM since Feb 10th and that I'm already down 13lbs?

Or do I tell you that not a day goes by where I don't wish I could just eat anything I wanted, but that I've made this choice, to once and for all get to my goal, so right now, the "treats" must wait?

I guess now you know both. It's been a VERY interesting month and a bit. I knew I had to do something- - because I had my "tipping point". You know that moment you see a picture of yourself, or a video, or you receive a comment that just stops you in your tracks? Well, I had the form of a picture/video. I won't say what, I won't say where, but for anyone who has struggled, you know what I mean by "the tipping point"-- the "a-ha moment".

Well, the very next day, I went to Herbal Magic. I had heard a lot about them when I lived in Toronto - it seemed everyone was doing it (and loving it). I was nervous though...REALLY SCARED. I don't know what it is about me, but for most of my adult life, I've wanted to reach my "goal weight", but always fell short. I knew this time was different though, it just had to be. I wanted to just DO IT. No more excuses. No more stopping and starting.

So I called.

And I met Christina.

The rest, I'd like to say is history, but it's only been 5 weeks. Has it been easy? Some days, for sure. Others? I could chew off my ARM because all I WANT is junk food, but I know, in my heart of hearts it's NOT WORTH IT.

Which is why I decided to speak out and share my story.

I hope you come back often, I'll write here every chance I get. I plan to post updates, recipes, pictures (of food, not me...not yet) -- and I also hope this will be a place where YOU TOO can share. I'd LOVE to help, I'm a good listener and if NOTHING else, we can do this together.

PS - my goal is September 7th, one week before my birthday. Here's to the FALL!!


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

It's ONLY food...


I AM DOWN 13lbs!!!

I am DOING THIS! Regular updates coming soon!