Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Hey Everyone I’m Brianna and I started Herbal Magic the middle of May 2009. Like everyone, I have had that moment where I realized enough was enough and it was time to finally take control of my life and my weight. I listened to Meg on the radio about Herbal Magic for a few weeks and was so inspired by her stories and knew that I could do the same.

I joined Herbal Magic and to be honest, it hasn’t always been easy! You have some great weeks and some weeks where you want to give up and go back to your old ways. What the girls at Herbal Magic always tell me is though that I didn’t put the weight on in 2 months so its not all going to come off that fast either!

Slow and steady wins the race. They are SO amazing there and the support they give you will get you through those bad days and they will get you to your goal!

The other thing that keeps me going on this journey is the wonderful friends that I have met through Meg and our Sisterhood of the Evershrinking Pants group!! To know that other people have the same struggles that I do just make me realize even more that I can get through this and reach my goal. I am over halfway there and cannot believe how far I have come!

If you are thinking about weight loss and are stuck, please consider Herbal Magic. We are all there to support you in your journey and know that you can do it!!

Brianna J

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